Many companies wish to integrate KPA Flex data into their own dashboards or BI tools. KPA Flex makes this possible through the KPA Flex API.
The API contains documentation on getting connected, making a request, available endpoints, code samples, a sandbox, and more.
Using the KPA Flex API, your company can pull JSON or CSV data on-demand and load it into your system.
NOTE: KPA Flex does not allow direct connections to database servers. The only method for accessing data is via the API. The API is available free of charge for all clients.
Types of Data
Form responses, employee profiles, assets, inspections, training completions, follow-ups, and more can be loaded from the KPA Flex API.
See a full list at:
Form Responses
Form responses are the #1 data type used on the KPA Flex API. There are two ways to access form response data.
responses.flat – this is the easiest method of pulling form responses. This endpoint will provide you a CSV where each row represents a form response. Foreign key data is pre-fetched making it very easy to hit the ground running. For example, instead of providing you an “observer_id”, this endpoint will provide the column “Observer” which contains the observer’s first and last name.
responses.list – this is the more complex method of pulling form responses, but it provides every detail you could possibly want. This data will be full of foreign keys that point to other data in the API. For example, “observer_id” will tell you the id of who filled out the report. To find that person’s name, you’ll need to use the “users.list” endpoint & fetch the profile information. You’ll also need to pull in the “form” data structure in order to interpret this data.
KPA Flex does not provide specific instructions for integrating with every possible BI tool, but here is a simple example:
Integrating KPA Flex Reports With Google Sheets
Keep in mind – the KPA Flex web interface allows you to export all kinds of data as a PDF or Excel spreadsheet. Data types include form responses, asset inspections, training reports, and more. Filter the data you wish to see, choose which columns, and even schedule reports to automatically email daily. For some groups, this may be the easiest way to pull data and create your own reports, graphs, etc.